The newest issue of the WRAP Update includes details about why some WRAP study visits are expanding, how participants can receive a brain health report following a study visit, and exciting updates about our new avenues of investigation. The inside pages feature a introduction to what’s happening at the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute Regional Milwaukee Office, the office’s expanded study coordinator team, and an explanation of vascular ultrasounds and how they work. You can also read news from the research program, recaps of a few recent studies from our programs and a interview with the WRAP fluid-based biomarker scientist. Read a pdf of the newsletter here.
Twice each year, our Wisconsin Registry for News Prevention (WRAP) program team creates a printed newsletter. The WRAP Update provides news from our study and recaps of recent study findings, open study opportunities, changes to study visits and a message about research updates from study Principal Investigator Sterling Johnson, PhD. Download a copy of the newsletter here. If you’re interested in more information, you can download past editions are posted on the newsletter archives page.